Sometimes by day, but far more often at night the Monster will rise to see what mayhem can be done. Never knowing what to expect all I can do is brace and wait. It is only a matter of time until he is with us again and the problems begin. Who he hurts and how badly is always a concern. I lose people all the time. They are not lost to history, only to me. All I can do is watch for the outcome and pick up the shards of what was. The new situation never has the options the old one did. I can never go back to what was, I can only wait for the wounds to scab over, adding to my scars. Feelings of hopelessness and loss gather as a lump in the back of my throat and my eyes tear. Regrets pile like cordwood walling me off from what I held dear. Now, I realize my Black Dog has returned.
My Monster is always morphing into one of his many twisted forms. Each seems purpose specific yet some house larger payloads than others. His changes are fast and fluid as he reads and adapts to the situation at hand. Calculating possible outcomes and always betting on black. Evil thoughts and deeds fortified with cunning and resolve guide his hand to its target. He delights in the mayhem he delivers, the sorrow he brings, and the discord he causes. The ones who he hurts only strengthen his will to lumber forth and do it again. Do you dare to poke the Monster?